The first houses we saw were a big learning
experience for me. Do you like to have to walk up steps right when you walk in
the door? What size entry way do you prefer? (i.e. what are you planning to fit
in your entry) Do you like the layout? Is it awkward having this long hallway?
Why is the kitchen so closed off? Yea that shower is NOT going to work…. Do you
really need a master bathroom? Do you want a walk in closet? How much storage
space do you need? Why are there 5 levels in this home….do I really want to
clean that!? (Because come on, most of us aren’t going to be able to have a
certainly learn after 4 or 5 houses things you like and things you don’t. I was
pretty closed-minded about a few of the looks of the homes from the outside after
seeing them (you know the ones that look like they have caps on top right? No?
Am I the only one that thinks some of the roofs look funny? Okay...) but Brenda
forced (okay maybe forced is harsh but strongly encouraged! me to give them a
shot). I am certainly glad she did too! Just like you shouldn’t judge a book by
its cover, you shouldn’t judge the inside of a home by it’s roof! We saw huge
houses stuck in the old days, smaller ones with some awesome upgrades,
multi-levels, ramblers, split foyers, and everything in between. I figured out my style little by little as we
went. We looked all over the Twin Cities too. If you don’t know what location
you want, try them all! We looked in Apple Valley, Eagan, Prior Lake, Shakopee,
Savage, Eden Prairie, Burnsville, and Richfield. As you drive to the homes,
check out the neighborhood. Could you see yourself and family living there? Who
is outside? What time of day is it and what is going on? What kind of
neighborhoods did you have to go through to get to the home? Is it an
established neighborhood or is it in the early stages of growing?Does it look
like people have kept their homes up or let them go with the ages…believe me
it’s not hard to tell! Be aware of your surroundings!